Thursday, November 5, 2009

Blog 10

I am very interested in teaching online courses when I complete this certificate program. I found the section on helping student succeed with online courses very beneficial and informative. The suggestions provided will be very helpful as a beginning instructor of online courses. I love the management plan and feel that is beneficial to myself as a student. The steps the author outlined are very complete.

As a new instructor, any tools provided within our readings have been most beneficial as I prepare courses to teach in the future.

Ethics is a very important topic in both the classroom and workplace. We have attended numerous workshops and seminars on this subject and continue to learn. I am particularly interested in respecting confidentiality and having a clear understanding of what this means. In our workplace, it is imperative we know and understand all the laws pertaining to confidentiality of student records, grades and consent forms they may have signed. The author lightly touched on this subject and I believe additional information for new instructors might be an area for additional readings and understanding. We practice the strictest adherence to this within our work environment and I know that same practice would carry over into my classroom.

Lastly, I believe as an instructor I must be open to feedback regarding my teaching style, classroom management and grading process. If I am not willing to hear the feedback, I am doing myself and my studnts a disservice. I thought the author pointed out some great tips about soliciting feedback and how to use the information. I generally am a very open minded person that seeks feedback throughout the course of my leadership programs.

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